
目前顯示的是 2013的文章

Using cataract surgery as a treatment for ocular hypertension

Using cataract surgery as a treatment for ocular hypertension ________________________________________ by Michelle Dalton EyeWorld Contributing Writer James D. Brandt, M.D. Steven L. Mansberger, M.D.           C ataract surgery can lower IOP in patients with ocular hypertension (OH), according to results from a large cohort study.1 Steven L. Mansberger, M.D., director, Glaucoma Services, Devers Eye Institute, Portland, Ore., and colleagues determined "someone who has early glaucoma or needs only 10-20% IOP lowering should be considered for cataract surgery," he said, but does stress the results are only applicable for those with OH, a point co-author James D. Brandt, M.D., professor of ophthalmology, and director, Glaucoma Service, University of California-Davis, reiterated. "We only evaluated OH. It is dangerous to extrapolate the findings of this study to those with glaucoma. It's a whole different population, es...

30130324 眼科教授醫學會學會

30130324 眼科教授醫學會學會 ReSTOR Toric +2.5D Central zoom 0.938mm 較大 Cataract 先做 dominant eye, +2.5D in dominant eye Distant vision excellent Flap thickness 愈薄,愈不會 dry eye. Nerve supply 非只是 3 , 9 點進入,是從 360 度進入, 所以 hinge 在那個位置,其實沒差!(新觀念) Flap diameter 愈大,愈乾。 逆性散光或斜性散光,要注意非角膜散光比率高,約 10%! 角膜塑型術及近視雷射手術,可減少旁中心離焦, 可以控制近視度數加深。戴眼鏡會有旁中心離焦,近視度數易會加深。 現在有一種鏡片,可以控制近視度數, 眼鏡也要戴好 戴眼鏡如果沒戴好或戴歪 , 戴眼鏡如天天地震 , 也容易加深 近視 300 度以內,除非內隱斜視太強,可以看近不戴眼鏡, 不然建議都戴著,近視比較不會加深。因為看近要調整力較好。 CCC coming full circle Touqui effect, 當角膜前表面後表面的軸度沒有很一致時, 有時會開到 45 度,不是想像中在合力的中間 , 變成怪怪的! 術前提到 dry eye symptm  

寫論文、做報告必備的16個 WORD 技巧

寫論文、做報告必備的16個 WORD 技巧 分享自 http://www.igotmail.com.tw/home/35708 到了寒假總是許多研究生們為自己的畢業論文拼命的時候,但是當再打論文時,發現有很多 WORD 的功能都不會用,內容打完後還有更麻煩的校稿動作等著,有時候把一張圖片的位置移動之後,發現後面的文章也跟著移位,或是本來該在下一頁的章節標題標題卻跑到前一章的尾端…一次次的校對、修改、校對、修改越弄越煩,甚至大吐WORD的不是。天啊!辛苦做了兩年的研究,想不到後面還有這關,真的是…不知道怎麼說才好! 不用煩、不用悶,硬是要學把做論文時常碰到的難題在這裡一一幫你解答,希望能幫助你在做論文時能夠順利,以下內容我用 WORD 2007(簡稱 2007)為範例,使用 2003 的朋友可能就要稍微找一下功能放在哪裡了(大致上不會差太多) 你有以下煩惱嗎? 1.隨時存檔、多處備份以確保論文安全! 常用快速鍵,省時又方便!(常用快速鍵一覽表) 2.常用快速鍵,省時又方便! 3.「段落」和「換行」的差別(非常重要的觀念) 4.每段的縮排要怎麼弄比較正確?(不應該用空白鍵來調整文字位置) 5.參考文獻或內容需要用到上下標時該怎麼設定? 6.特殊的單位或符號要怎麼輸入? 7.如何做"西式"表格? 8.用[F4]快速鍵重覆上一個動作(如調整字體格式) 9.(A)、(B)、(C)這種符號要怎麼讓WORD自動產生? 10.要如何正確的讓下一個章、節下從下一頁開始? 11.如何用WORD設計方程式 12.如何裁剪圖片多餘的部分? 13.如何自動產生章節目錄及圖表目錄? 14.不想用上一個方法,手動KEY目錄也可以很整齊 15.如何在同一份文件設定不同格式的頁碼?(如 I、II、III 之後接1、2、3、4) 16.土法煉鋼插入不同格式的頁碼 1.隨時存檔、多處備份以確保論文安全! 有錢的時候就要多存一些,免得沒錢時三餐吃泡麵。寫論文也是一樣,一定要隨時做存檔的動作,避免電腦突然當機而讓幾個小時的努力全都白費,如果嫌存檔麻煩,建議你用﹝Ctrl﹞+﹝S﹞的存檔快速鍵來儲存檔案,順句子或是找靈感的時候就順手按一下﹝Ctrl﹞+﹝S﹞! 另外,寫到一個段落之後...

Anit-inflammation Perfecting cataract surgery

 Anit-inflammation Perfecting cataract surgery EyeWorld Supplement to EyeWorld August 2012 Inflammation remains a significant challenge to modern cataract surgery. Left untreated, inflammation can ruin even the most consummately performed surgery utilizing the most advanced techniques and technology. Experts gathered to discuss “Ocular Anti-Inflammation: Prevention, Diagnosis, and Curative Treatment Options” at an EyeWorld Educational Symposium held at the 2012 ASCRS•ASOA Symposium & Congress. The event was supported by an educational grant from ISTA Pharmaceuticals (Irvine, Calif.). NSAID issues 2012 “Cataract surgery is evolving,” said Dr. Katsev. According to Dr. Katsev, patients’ standards have been increasing in the last decade in part thanks to the increasing role of premium IOLs in cataract surgery. In that time, the use of premium IOLs has increased dramatically, he said, but the promise of great vision these IOLs make does not necessa...